Connect in a casual atmosphere to learn more about medicinal plants with Dixie Shilling....
Spend an hour or so with us focused on key plants and Michi Saagiig teachings and we will contemplate how the archaeological record intersects with the use of perishable items.
Learn new things, share knowledge with each other, obtain advice and perspective to help you delve deeper into your understanding of medicinal plants and archaeological record interpretation in southern Ontario.
APA's Dixie Shilling, a First Nations Liaison member and volunteer with the Board of Directors, is providing this session, streaming from Curve Lake First Nation near the Kawartha Highlands region of south-central Ontario.
** Questions submitted ahead of time are welcome **
Are you ready to Ask An Expert ... Chat About That ~ come to discuss or just to observe, all are welcome!
guests: $10 (online payment or e-transfer)
APA Ontario members: free